What does "Freedom' mean to me?



"When I think about the word "freedom," financial and spiritual freedom immediately come to mind. These are two aspirations I've been chasing my entire life."



When I think about the word "freedom," financial and spiritual freedom immediately come to mind. These are two aspirations I've been chasing my entire life.

The reasons for this pursuit could fill another blog post, but to summarize: I grew up in a place of lack and scarcity. I always knew there was more to life, but I just didn't know how to reach it. It wasn't until I worked closely with a coach and became a coach myself that I truly began to approach those elusive doors of freedom. I put in the work, dedicated the hours, faced my fears, processed my pain, and mustered the courage to transform myself. Since then, I've lit a fuse and never looked back. Now, I want to share that wisdom with the world. I am incredibly grateful for the impact of coaching, deeply honored to be a part of Consciously, and more energized than ever about our mission. The journey has just begun, and I'd love for you to be a part of it!